
Martin Luther’s Catechisms: Forming the Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Reformation scholar Timothy Wengert has studied Luther’s catechisms for the light they shed on the maturing Reformation faith but also for the fascinating lens they afford into the social world of Wittenberg in those years: children, clergy, education and publishing, marriage customs, devotion and prayer, and celebration of the Lord’s Supper in this period, along with Luther’s own hearty faith,...

thanksgiving).25 Commandments were not busywork; they revealed the best God intends for humanity. At the same time, every positive command implied that there was something God did not want human beings to do. Thus, for Luther, the third and the fourth commandments (which are positive: “Keep the sabbath” and “Honor your parents”) implied prohibitions (“Do not despise the Word or preaching” and “Do not despise parents or superiors”). We often forget what Luther did not: that failure to honor God’s
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